Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just an update...

So I haven't posted in awhile. I know. I have heard it from several people. Excuses? I have got several. None of which are worth sharing. Just the same old story....Busy life with kids who love to always be on the go. Stopping for a moment to write about it could possibly slow the Zampedri family down.

Today is a great day! Karsyn and Sarah started another year of Sixth Street Preschool. This year is truly going to be great. Instead of 3 days a week for only 2.5 hours I get 2 days a week for 4 hours a day. I am so happy. They are so happy!!! There is nothing like 2 girls getting ready to go boss a bunch of little boys around for 4 HOURS. (did I mention 4hours?)

Logan and Morgan are loving school too. I was sad to see them go back to school. Each year that they get older the funner they become. They were busy all summer with baseball. Now we are into football season and they are loving it. This is the only year that they will be able to be on the same team and boy are they loving it. Morgan is so happy to be with his brother. He is in his first of two years of first grade. He was barely 5 when he started kindergarten last year and we always had planned a two year first grader. Partially because kindergarten was half day and partially because we knew if he went on to first grade him and Logan could be on the same football team (Chris's logic not mine). It is working out great!!! Last night Chris said, "My only regret is that we didn't have these boys closer together." I thought about that for a moment, then wanted to say, "Yea that would have been wonderful if the 2 short years they are apart wouldn't have kicked my fanny as it was!" They are so much fun and Chris loves being their dad, coach, and whatever else he can do to be close to them. I hope they know how lucky they are to have such a great dad.

Cannon is also doing....what is the word??? Well that boy is a WHIRLWIND!!! Holy cow I have never experienced anything like him. I can't keep up. Maybe it is because I am getting older or maybe he is just trying to make sure his place as the baby sticks. As of right now, there is not a chance WE would have another baby. He has done us in since the day he was born. We love this boy so much! We enjoy every mess, every broken whatever, every sniffle, every everything he does. By the end of the day, he has worn us out. When Chris walks in from work I am glad to hand the reins over and let him enjoy his baby.

All in all, the Zampedri's are doing good. As of right now, we are healthy and happy. Growing like weeds. Learning every day.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is year Christmas was so much fun for our kids. Its fun to watch Logan and Morgan get ants in their pants while waiting for Santa to arrive and wondering if they were good enough for him to actually leave them presents. Logan has figured out that the ONE gift on Christmas Eve is going to be PJ's no matter what. Morgan doesn't understand how Logan is so smart and knows what he is about to open. Then there is Karsyn. She really doesn't care because she just needs all her presents to have some type of pink on it to make her happy. The boys both got guns this year. To their mother's dismay, they loved them and have thought about nothing else since Christmas morning. All they have wanted is to hold them, look at them, and shoot them. As for Karsyn, she loved everything she got but her real joy has come in taking all of Cannon's toys and hiding them. Making sure he cannot have any Christmas enjoyment. Have I ever mentioned how grateful we are that we only have one "Princess" in our home.

ANYHOW, Christmas break has been so fun. Grandma Zampedri came from Utah. Dad even took a day or two off to spend some time with us. Cannon is about to turn 1 next week. 2009 is finally coming to an end and another year is beginning. It is crazy how time flies and how fast our kids are growing. We are grateful for good family and friends that love us. We are are so happy to live in such a wonderful place. I hope that 2010 is wonderful for everyone. Afterall, everyone deserves to be happy and loved.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's the holiday season!!!

Wow! Once Halloween hit, I haven't had a chance to stop and give an update. Halloween came and went with a princess fairy, Anakin Skywalker, and our very own Ninja Warrior. As always, a night at the ward's Trunk or Treat proved to be a success for the kid's candy ventures. I have never vacuumed so many candy Nerds in my life. I think that I am still finding them in the deep depths of the carpet.

Summing up the month of November----BUSY!!! Morgan had another surgery to remove some pollups from his vocal cords. Just like last time, he has bounced back fabulously. I started a new job at the hospital and love it so much. Chris is staying busy with lots of peoples little projects that have become HUGE blessings to our family. Thanksgiving was a hit. We cooked and cooked and had it gobbled it all up in about 30 minutes.

Now, it is December 1st. Already that time of year!!! The holiday season is well under way. The birthday madness starts Friday with my dad. Every year flies by so fast and before we know it 2009 will soon be gone. I hope 2010 rings in a happy new year full of good health and happiness.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This one is for you, MOM

Michelle called me from the valley this past Friday and you would have thought there had been a death in the family. I could hear through the phone a flood of tears and emotion. She then proceeded with this----I am at Fiesta Mall. It has turned into the "Ghetto". I then asked, "Are you Ok?" She then said something like this.... "Dillards is closing! The place where we had so many memories with our mom. The place where she would take us shopping and spend so much money she probably didn't have. Dillards, the one place where she used to take me, you and Kati all the time. " I didn't know at this point if I should laugh or cry. Can you believe it, our family is so nuts. We then concluded after a few minutes that we really knew she was gone because Dillards at Fiesta Mall was going to be gone too. Holy Cow!!! We just might need to be committed for that sad and disturbing conversation.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Baby Is Crawling!!!

Cannon is finally crawling!!! I say that as if I am excited, but being a mother of four I can assure you that I am not. My sweet little guy can crawl from one end of the carpet right into the kitchen. The boy can spot a shoe from across the room and with much diligence he makes his way to it and then tries to devour it to the best of his ability. Our little "Marshmallow Man" is the best little army crawler that I have seen. He not only has the physical attributes of the crawl down, he is also stealth. My other kids when they were at this stage would cry and moan as they desperately tried to get to the object. Not our sweet guy. He is quiet and focused. Everything that he has wanted in his short life he is now making an attempt to get it. I am seeing this guy grow before my eyes. Our last baby is almost a year old. He is growing up too fast. I love this little man so much!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tonsil Day for Morgan

So it is finally Wednesday and Morgan has to be at the hospital by 6:00 AM. For those of you who know me well enough know that is way too early for Kelci to be rising and shining. We had been building this day up. We let our sweet boy know all about the Popsicles and ice cream that he would get to eat. He was promised toys from Papa and Nana made sure he knew he would be receiving one of her "special" prizes after it was all through. Chris even sweetened the deal by taking the day off for our Morgan. He was so excited!!! After hearing all of that what kid wouldn't be?

When we arrived at the hospital, the deal was still going his way. Sweet Darlene Merrill was his nurse. She brought glad tidings and gifts to boot. He even was presented with his very own blanket that some sweet lady from the auxiliary had made for little guys just like him. Then they wheeled him off. Chris got to go back with him until he fell asleep. Everything WAS good!

As we walked into recovery to sweet Morgan, I knew he was in pain. He is buy far the best of our four kids to have had such a surgery. He is toughest with the best little attitude. He might feel pain, but we don't always know how much pain he feels. The first thing this little man wanted was his jammies back on. Then he wanted all the promises that had got him to this point in the first place to hurry and get there. He was still feeling pretty good. We found out from the doctor that he had numbed the back of his throat pretty good and he shouldn't be feeling anything for quite a while.

Great!!! We headed home and Morgan still felt great. In fact, Chris and I were so exhausted and our little guy was running wild. He wanted to eat everything!!! Nothing was stopping him (except his mom) from doing just what he wanted. I thought if this is how easy this is we had better sign the rest up for a little tonsillectomy, adenoid thing right away.

Then it hit! About 12:00 AM we were in pain. Medicine? If he would take it. Water? If he would drink it. Holy cow, some unknown beast laying beside me was moaning and groaning with a nails on the chalkboard cry. I just wanted to sleep. Couldn't this have started 7 hours ago when I was ready for it. Before I had this thought that all was well and life was normal. It was not normal. I had Morgan crying in pain, Karsyn crying because I wasn't laying by her but by Morgan, and Logan woke up ranting about how I loved them more than him. You might be saying to yourself, "Where in the heck is Chris?". I was asking the same thing until I found him sleeping soundly in one of the boys beds all alone. At that point I could have killed him and strangled the rest of them. By the time he did get up to help Morgan had calmed down, Karsyn had fallen back to sleep, and I had reassured Logan that I loved him just as much as the others.

Now all is well and Morgan is on the mend. Our nights are the hardest, but definitely getting better. I am hoping for school Monday. By the way.... I am not signing the rest up for this Tonsil/adenoid thing anymore either.